Kid-Friendly Foods without Red Dye!

List of Foods without Red Dye 40 for Kids
Finding foods without Red Dye can be daunting, but finding kid-friendly foods can be downright impossible. While the FDA looks at the American diet with eyebrows raised, they still fail to regulate these unhealthy ingredients. Marketing companies inflate their prices by using cheap and easy ingredients, while some European countries have outlawed Red Dye 40 in their foods because of the damage they cause. As a parent trying to facilitate a healthy diet for the entire family, it can be difficult to navigate the supermarket shelves and find the hidden ingredients. Often posing under names like Allura Red, or C.I. Food Red, Red Dye 40 lurks in many of the things our children eat. Here is a list of kid-tested and mother-approved products that you and your family can trust!
- Focus Bars from Green Balance Nutrition. These delightful bars come in two kid-friendly flavors, and their chocolate is so pure that it clocks in as 1 on the glycemic index! Children who are diagnosed with diabetes, obesity, ADD, ADHD, or learning disabilities can tote this bar in their lunchbox for a focus forward boost in the middle of the school day! Studies have shown that children who use this bar have instant results in areas of focus and reduced hyperactivity.
- Annie’s Organic Products. Annie’s can be found on nearly every Whole Foods shelf, but also at most local supermarkets. Nearly all of Annie’s products are safe for children, and they even have gluten-free options. The fruits snacks, fruit roll-ups, cheddar bunnies, and honey bear snacks make the perfect accompaniment for your child’s lunchbox, snack break, or a trip to Grandma’s house! Annie’s has pancake and waffle mix, instant mac ‘n cheese, and even brownie and cake mix! Scour your local supermarket and look for the friendly purple bunny logo!
- Applegate Naturals Sausage and Bacon. It may shock you to find that many breakfast foods and meats contain red dye, large amounts of sugar, and many other preservatives that may infiltrate your child’s sensitive system. Applegate provides sugar-free, natural bacon in a pure form that you can confidently feed your family. Their sausage links are a family favorite, and their guarantee is natural and organic. If your child loves bacon and sausage, give them a great start to the day with some organic breakfast food! Pair it with some scrambled eggs and white cheddar cheese, and you have the perfect Red-Dye-40-Free breakfast of champions!